
Näytetään blogitekstit, joiden ajankohta on 2019.

Lighter life through a good law

We just returned home from a delicious, laughter-filled and tearful evening with amazing friends. We really had fun. We ate too much and gained far too many calories (hospitality is such a blessing!). And we shared our vision about church and prayed with and for one another. In the time of sharing, we not only shared the prayer requests as a matter-of-fact items but were able to open our hearts in front of each other. Our friend shared his view that in church, we are actually to be the toilets - the places, where people can unload their burdens. In Galatians, Apostle Paul says the same in a bit more politically correct way: Bear one another's burdens, and  so fulfill  the law of Christ. (Galatians 6,2) The way Christ wants us to live is to model him. He did not just lead from distance, save from far away and remain in his comfort zone. He became one of us. He chose the form of a servant, he suffered, came alongside of us bearing our burdens. He can fully understand us,

Lightful new year!

Last night we climbed on a small hill with a group of dear friends to see how people around us celebrated the change of the new year. It is impossible to see and know everything this year will bring. It will definitely bring various kind of situations. But for sure also some challenges. No one can know for sure if the year will be rather easy or more one bringing mountains to climb over. But in midst of everything, there are some constants that remain, and which make it possible to see light in midst of all storms, joys, battles and disappointments. I love the attitude of apostle Paul. The way he writes about his life, goals and his constants in life is amazing. That man suffered. He paid a high price for following what he believed in. When he prayed for others, he reveals what he knows to be true also for himself - and that changes the focus from suffering to joy, rejoicing, and living a life worth of it all. These are some things I wish we all will allow to enourage us