Lighter life through a good law

We just returned home from a delicious, laughter-filled and tearful evening with amazing friends. We really had fun. We ate too much and gained far too many calories (hospitality is such a blessing!). And we shared our vision about church and prayed with and for one another.

In the time of sharing, we not only shared the prayer requests as a matter-of-fact items but were able to open our hearts in front of each other. Our friend shared his view that in church, we are actually to be the toilets - the places, where people can unload their burdens.

In Galatians, Apostle Paul says the same in a bit more politically correct way:

Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. (Galatians 6,2)

The way Christ wants us to live is to model him. He did not just lead from distance, save from far away and remain in his comfort zone. He became one of us. He chose the form of a servant, he suffered, came alongside of us bearing our burdens. He can fully understand us, pity us, comfort us, because He knows. He feels. He has been there, only, He went through it all without sin, so He can pay for ours and redeem us.

How good does it feel, when you can lighten your heart and pour out your burdens on someone where you know they've been through the same struggles. Not many things connect people more.

We have the God of all comfort, who comforts us so that we in our turn can comfort other people in need of consolation and encouragement, needing a listening ear or a shoulder to lean on.

Any burden gets lighter when not carried alone, starting from a heavy shopping bag. The law of Christ, which is there to make us truly free, calls us for a shared life. Let us share our joys, our thankfulness, and gratitude, let us praise God together.

But shared life also means coming alongside of those in need. Being the toilet where the junk of life can be flushed down.

Could this be a year, where we both bear one another's burdens and at the same time dare to be open of our own ones - allowing for more transparency and authenticity. This way, we have the possibility to live a lighter life ourselves. And when it is our turn, we can co-carry with others.

God didn't make us to be individual burden bearers but to live as a team, where no one is left alone. Could I just say to God that today I am willing to carry together. And when needed, allow a friend to come alongside and take the other half of the burden to carry. Life becomes lighter, and we live as God wants us to. We become free. And all of this can be true in midst of fun, laughter, and true friendship. That is, what church is called to be. 
